Sunday, August 7, 2011

Name That Loafer

For someone who's into loafers as much as I am, I don't know as much about them as I should. Heck, it was only recently that I found out what "horsebit" was.  I want to be "schooled" by some of you who are in the know. So...I'm relying on you to teach me everything I need to know about loafers.

Lesson One: What brand of loafers are these?

There are many variations of this loafer but this particular style and brand has been one of my favorites for almost thirty years.  Are they Aldens? Brooks Brothers? I need answers!

And while you're at it, let me know what loafer brand and styles are your favorites?  Let me know what I should be keeping an eye out for.


  1. They look to me like Johnston & Murphy Deerfield tassels loafers. Beautiful and very sexy. Love that you are able to catch these shots and share them with others.

  2. Those are definitely not J&M Deerfields.

    They are either Alden or Brooks Brothers shell cordovan tassel loafers. It's impossible to determine which brand without look at the heel of the shoes though.

  3. Yes, the heel is the giveaway. It took me YEARS to find out that Brooks Brothers made the style with the stitching around the heel (I think it's called "foxing," but don't quote me).

    Tassels are a particular weakness of mine, too -- especially Brooks Brothers. The guys who wear them always seem to be slipping them off and playing with them. I once spent a particularly memorable afternoon al New York's LaGuardia Airport about 20 years ago watching a hunk in a light gray suit and light gray socks, who played relentlessly with his BB Tassels. He'd cross his leg ankle-over-knee while reading, and flex his foot until his loafer popped off his heel. He proceeded to dangle the loafer like a pro. He had to know I was watching (I was sitting right next to him and playing with my kiltie tassels the entire time, too!), because he kept it up for a couple of hours (all the flights were delayed because of rain!), crossing and uncrossing his legs, and at one point, digging both heels into the carpet and popping his loafers off, letting them flop to the floor as he slid his feet in and out. I almost passed out when he did that!

    I was picking someone up, and their flight arrived first, so I had to leave. I got up the nerve to tell him how much I liked his shoes, and asked where he got them. He broke into this wide grin, and replied, "Brooks Brothers in Boston" (I'm guessing that's where he was from). I wanted so badly to reach out and caress his loafered foot, but I lost my nerve. But at least I found out about one of the objects of my loafer desire!

  4. This style is actually really close to the first tasseled loafer design which I believe came about in the late 40s or early 50s Alden was the company to do so. Since then numerous companys have made this early style. Ralph Lauren and Cole Haan are also makers I know (and own) of this style. This pair in particular looks to be Alden or Brooks because of the leather, which has a hard smooth texture to it meaning cordovan leather. I asked a guy th eother day about a suede pair he had on, thinking they were older Cole-Haans like mine, and he replied that they were Crockett & Jones, a British maker who often times make shoes for Ralph as well.


  5. Wow! Thanks for the comments guys. This is great info. Check the heel, huh? Now I will know what to look out for!

    I am learning!
