Monday, August 8, 2011

Loafers on the Job

My job occasionally requires me to represent my organization in an exhibit booth at conferences and trade shows.  The days in the exhibit hall are long and tiring but that doesn't stop me from scoping out the floor for sexy guys in loafers.  The hottest men and sexiest loafers are usually found among my fellow exhibitors.

Case and point - I had the good fortune of having this gent at the booth next to mine!

Great loafers and socks.

When he got up, his colleague took his place...

Why go sockless?

I was especially drawn to this gent who decided to go sockless in his loafers. While I don't think going sockless with a business suit is good style, I still found it incredibly sexy that he did.  I wondered why he chose not to wear socks.  Any ideas why someone would do this?  What do you think about going sockless with a business suit?


  1. Generally frowned upon to go sockless with suit. But still hot. How old was he?

  2. He was probably in his early forties. Dark haired, handsome, tan...and a cocky SOB. In other words ...HOT!

  3. I get turned on from suits with their legs crossed like the guy in the above and if he's wearing loafers, then I don't even have to see his face. I'm sold by the way he's sitting. 8-P

  4. Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you have any photos of men in loafers with their legs crossed? It's so sexy and hot to see men in suits that way.

  5. Wow. That drives me absolutely wild. he probably had a pair of black dress socks in his briefcase but wanted to stay comfortable and figured no one could see his feet. Did one of those expensive shoes ever slide off his naked foot?

  6. TB, no...his feet were securely planted in his loafers.

  7. Ah! Oh well. Of course, there might be a mild 'accident' if his chair was moved, say, and his shoes just happened to fall off. With a little help...Just a harmless daydream!

    Same goes for that INCREDIBLE photo at the very top of the page. "Oops! Didn't mean to knock your shoe off, sir. But you might as well let me take the other one off while we're at it..."

  8. Question:
    Can you work with concentration? I mean, if I had to work and I see every day handsome men with hot loafers I would ignore my work and just watch the shoes of the men. Probably I would get fired after a week. haha

  9. Do you see a lot of men kick off their loafers after standing onn their feet a long time?

  10. Do you kick off your loafers while working a booth when the customers can't see your feet? I think standing on your feet all day would be brutal? Shar memeories of what you have seen at shows.

  11. Anon - no, I don't kick off my loafers while working the booth. No special memories to share. An opportunity like the one in the photos above is rare. I'm usually just checking guys out as they pass my booth.

  12. I've tried on Yrl ans cannot get it to post. I'm new at this. I'll call my self Sockhawk. Thanks for the comments on the trade shows. I appreciate your blog. Sockhawk

  13. Love guys who go sockless in their loafers. I am not sure that going sockless with a suit is the best look, but give this guy credit for being enough of a stud to slip his bare feet into loafers with his business suit. For me, the ultimate sexy sockless loafer look is the classic preppy look of well-worn cordovan Weejuns worn sockless with khakis, jeans or shorts, showing off some bare masculine ankle or legs with some hair on them. Thanks for creating this blog.

  14. I spend a fair amount of time in booths at conferences myself and in the summer I definitely go sockless in my loafers - way more comfortable. I don't think many even notice especially if you're behind a table, etc. but good to know people appreciate it!
