Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is loaferotica?

Welcome to loaferotica!

I'm just a gay man who enjoys men, photography, and writing. I also happen to have a "thing" for men's loafers - they're one of my turn-ons. But there are some other "things" that turn me on and you'll find out more about  them over the course of this blog. 

loaferotica is the place I've created where I can share and explore the things that turn me on with others who have similar interests (and, believe me, I KNOW you're out there!).

I'm looking forward to seeing where this leads. I hope you'll come along for the ride...and I hope you'll enjoy!

Your comments and feedback are welcomed.


  1. thank you for sharing...have had a fetish for loafers since grade old loafer lover from way back...again thank you. --Jim Loaferlover

  2. Thank you for your note, Jim. And thank you for posting my very first comment!

  3. Loving the initiative!
    Not really a shoe fetishist myself... my suit men photos on Flickr usually are cut off below the crotch level, but efforts like this are wonderful and I just had to see what you had here. So far so great!!

    K1 in Canada

  4. Thanks K1! Your suit men photos have been an inspiration to me.

  5. Enjoyed the sight of loafers since the age of 5 years old. Didn't know how to channel it but knew it felt great each time I seen a man on television, magazine or just walking along.

