Monday, July 11, 2011

My "Thing" for Loafers

So how did my "thing" for loafers start? I can't say that there was a specific event that triggered it, but I do have a number of shoe-related memories that I can trace back to my childhood. 

I was in the third grade and my teacher, Mrs. Parris, was sitting on the window sill. She was wearing a pair of yellow shoes that were similar to an open toe sandal with a heel and a strap across the back.  While she spoke to us, she pushed one of the straps down with the toe of her other foot and released her heel.  Her shoe began to dangle and I remember being transfixed by her stocking foot as she played with her shoe. I had a tingly feeling the entire time.

The tingly feeling returned one night when my father, my mother, and I were in the den watching televsion. He had just gotten home from work and I was on the floor at his feet. He was wearing a pair of shiny, black lace up oxford work shoes and I was fascinated by them, gently caressing them and playing with the laces. "Do you want to take them off?", he asked. I unlaced them and pulled them off, freeing his ribbed, nylon-socked feet.

Around this time, I had a pair of fancy lace up shoes that I adored. They had a dark blue patent leather captoe and heel, with a blue/grey suede in the middle (it was the 70s! Fortunately my taste in shoes has improved since then!)  I loved to slip my feet in and out of them...the first signs of shoe play?

A few years later, when I was about eleven or so, I remember becoming aroused by watching my older brother slip his feet  in and out of his loafers while sitting at the kitchen table. By this time, I was old enough to know that what I was feeling was distinctly sexual.

I have no idea what it was about shoes and feet that so captivated me back then, but I can't help but think that happenings like those are why I'm a bit obsessed today.

If you have a "thing" for loafers, I'd love to hear how you think it came about.


  1. First of all I have to say that I like it that you made this website! To post photos of men in loafers and telling us what you think about all that stuff. Very good. (btw watching everyday your updated photos on flickr - AWESOME!)

    Now... I'm going to try to tell my story how it began and how I noticed it the first time ("my fetish!)

    I think it was in school, too. The first and second grade I had a woman teacher and she had those red boots on - like rubber boots - but they weren't really. I liked the red colour and the leather quality!

    My father wore (and still wears) black and tan loafers. Back then at the that time when I was in primary school I tried to touch his loafers when he was sleeping on the couch and had crossed one's legs. To find out what I like about the shoes and the leather? But I didn't have the heart to do that because I was afraid that he would wake up and watch surprised. But then one day he woke up and I was with my face and my hands at his feet (with loafers on) and he asked: "What are you doing?" and I just said: "Nothing." And left the room and thought: "Omg that was so embarrassing, I'm not going to do that another time."

    From time to time I did it anyway. I was so fascinated by all the shoe styles he was wearing over the years. When I got older (like 16-18) I want to do everything with his loafers when he slept. I wanted more (smell at the leather, put my hand under his loafers, lick them...) Everytime he wakes up and see my hand on his feet or under his feet he just looks weird and continues watching television. I don't understand why he says nothing - I mean I was 18 (!!!) lying on the floor at his feet. Sure you can say with 10 - 15 maybe the reason for my attitude is the puberty, but with 18 years ?!?!

    Also I had a handsome teacher in the secondary school (high school) and I was sitting 2 years at the first row, directly in front of him - table at table. He was wearing every day a nice suit. And he had like 8 pair of shoes and 3 therefrom were loafers. Sometimes during the lesson he spraweld and touched my leg with the soles of his loafers (for like... 1 minute) I approached everytime with my leg to feel it really good. Often I made videos under the table with my mobile phone. When the lesson was over I looked at my trousers and if he had a good day he did them dirty by "tapping" sometimes against my leg.

    In the end I can't say where my fetish for loafers comes from. I just remember who weore such shoes and the thing with my father's feet/loafers. It just came... don't know why.

    P.S. @ Todd Alden: I love the part where your dad asked you to take the shoes off. I bet it was a really exciting moment for you!

    P.P.S. So I like men (35-60 yrs) in suits with a little belly wearing hot loafers! I like only men with shoes on and not with socks or barefoot and I don't like a man wearing loafers with sheer socks! That is my fetish! Now you know it!

    Have I forgotten something? Oh yes, please respect my grammar and spelling. I don't speak English fluently!

  2. Hey there, huge fan of your flickr account. I've been following your pics forever!

    I'm more interested in boat shoes/topsiders than loafers (though I still have a thing for those as well, just not as much) and I definitely remember as a kid getting very aroused when watching Saved by the Bell with the episodes that has Zach Morris in pairs of sperry topsiders.

    As I got older, and attended Catholic high school it became really obvious that I had a major fetish for guys in boat shoes/loafers. Definitely my thing.

    Thanks for writing this blog, can't want to see future posts! (PS. Please capture some more boat shoes pics in your flickr account if you see any, those are always my favorites!) :)

  3. @ TBTAOTW: Thanks for your comments. I find the similarities of our experiences with our fathers and our teachers to be quite striking but, what triggered such a strong response in us as young boys, I guess we can never pinpoint. Thanks, again for being so open and sharing. And thanks for reading my blog and following my photos. And your English is just fine!

    @ stevglak8: Thank for your note. I'm glad you're a fan of my flickr account. As you will see from an upcoming post, I have memories of Topsiders/boat shoes too.

    I hope to be posting photos that will appeal to both of your tastes!

  4. Gotta be honest with you. I ONLY find myself attracted to loafers with solid hard heels. The soft rubber types to me don't exude the flair of sophistication that the dress loafers do. I won't ever sneak a pic of men in those types, the only shots I take are the hard sole/heel version. I get upset if I see a guy dressed very natty only to wear those rubber soled penny loafers. bleh!

  5. First of all, THANKS, Todd, for creating this blog! It's great to be able to connect with others who share our fetish! And your Flickr pics are amazing!

    My shoe fetish started very early. I remember sneaking into my parents' room when I was around 3 or 4, and playing with my father's shoes. He only wore one style -- black, split-toe laceups (which I always hated!). But I remember taking one shoe and rubbing it between my legs -- it felt wonderful, even at that young age. When I went to kindergarten, I remember one boy who had brown laceups (I think they were captoes). I was fascinated with those shoes, and I think he was my first crush! I remember looking at his shoes constantly. My first few years of grammar school were fairly uneventful, although I remember being fascinated watching a girl in my class playing with her uniform shoes under the desk. When i hit puberty, I naturally took to fantasizing about shoes. I remember keeping a bunch of old Sears catalogs (I grew up in the '70s, too!), so I could look at the pages featuring the men's shoes. it was shoe-porn at its finest! :-)

    Then I entered 6th grade. I have a vivid memory of a kid in my class who had on these patent leather, slightly platform loafers (yeah, it was the '70's). As all of us Catholic school boys in Brooklyn did, he was wearing white sweat socks. I was sitting a little behind him and off to one side, so I had a perfect view. I couldn't take my eyes off his beautiful loafers. Then he gave me my first in-school hardon -- he kicked his left shoe off and started to play with it under the desk! I was transfixed. I loved watching his heel pump in and out of that shiny shoe.

    Unfortunately, my parents only bought me "sensible" shoes, which all the kids in my class called "cop shoes" (I was in the school marching band, and those were style we had to wear with our uniforms). I longed to be able to wear the "hot" styles that the other boys got to wear, which I think made my fetish even more intense.

    More to come...

  6. There were many other guys who began playing with their shoes that year. Another friend had these semi-platform lace-ups from Thom McAn with white stitching around the toe. I was in love with those shoes (and had a pretty bad crush on him, too!). One day in class, I noticed him reaching down and untying his right shoe. He slipped it off and began to play with it under the desk, even losing it at one point and having to feel around for it under the desk. Once again, i was transfixed. I remember at that moment making the decision that I would always play with my right shoe, too, mimicking him.

    Another time, we were all rehearsing for the Christmas pageant, and everyone brought "play clothes" to change into after school. I'd put my stuff next to this same guy's. He'd plopped his shoes down right next to mine! During the rehearsal, I made an excuse to get something out of my schoolbag, and I grabbed that right shoe and hid it under my coat. When we went to leave, I saw him looking around for his other shoe, and he left after not being able to find it. I took that shoe home and licked and kissed it for hours, getting off as often as I could that afternoon/evening. I found out he was a size 6.5 (I was a tall kid, so I was up to an 8.5 by then). Even though I couldn't put his shoe on, I loved having it all to myslef! My Catholic guilt set in, though, and I returned his shoe the next morning, telling him I "found" it under my coat.

    I had plenty of other sightings up through graduation (including getting my very first pair of slip-ons (not platform, though) from Thom McAn for Confirmation!) I was always on the lookout for a white-socked heel slipping out of a black dress shoe!

    That summer my family went on vacation to a beach resort in New Jersey. The hotel had a wide porch, and the guests often sat out there. There was this one kid, about my age, who had these amazing blue platform loafers with white scrollwork all over them. He wore them with white socks, too, and he was CONSTANTLY slipping our of them and playing with them. I couldn't take my eyes off of him during our entire stay. I longed to get at those shoes! I even watched to see what room he was in, and I tried my key in the door, praying it would open so I could check out his shoes. Unfortunately, no luck. but I did pick up a lot of shoeplay technique!

    Anyhow, that's how it all began for me, and dress shoes and loafers have been a passion of mine ever since! I have tons more stories, but I'll save them for other posts.

    Thanks again for creating this blog -- I know it's going to be great!

  7. @hard - Thanks for sharing some of your experiences. I find it fascinating how we, as kids, seemingly out of nowhere, were drawn to men's shoes. I still have no idea why a young boy would find them so erotic.

    I'm from NYC and based on your writing, I suspect we are around the same age. I remember the styles and stores (Thom McAn!)you referred to so that made reading about your boyhood experiences even more enjoyable.

    Speaking of Thom McAn, I had a pair of suede Earth Shoes back then that I LOVED. Hadn't thought about them til I read what you wrote. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Thanks again!

  8. My attachment to loafers began in 9th grade. My art teacher wore them. he would shoeplay all the time as he waqs taking attendance ot giving directions. He was very handsome. He must have had athletes foot because he always sctatched the botton of his foot on the stiching. In my sophomore year I had a biology who took off his shoes every day. He stood behingd a counter ans always slipped his shoes off. If he had to get something that required coming out from behind the counter he would ask me to get it for him. I always gave it too him and hubg behund the counter as long as possible.

    1. That must have been some site watching the teacher scratching the bottom of his foot on the stitching.Just me I guess,but I love watching guys scratching their feet with athlete's foot!! Frank

  9. Mine started when I was a kid, my dad would always wear penny loafers they were the only shoes he owned. I always saw him wearing them everywhere and he would sometimes take naps on the couch while wearing them. I always tried to get him to take them off and sometimes he would. I asked him once if i could measure his height and made him take off his loafers to do so. The aroma was so good. Another time we were in the mall and i purposely stepped on the back of one of his loafers and he walked right out of it but i told him it was an accident. My favorite time was when I had a bouncing room thing for one of my birthdays and i made my dad come in once with me to bounce around. I noticed that he kept his loafers on and told me that they would not hurt the material. I pretended not to believe him and knocked him over in the bounce room. It was hard for him to get up with all the bouncing and i saw my opportunity and jumped at his feet. I grabbed his left foot and he told me to let go but i quickly pulled the loafer off and he was surprised. He then pulled his foot away and told me to give him his loafer but i refused. He then tried to grab it but fell again and i grabbed his right foot and pulled his other loafer off. He was shocked and i then decided to pull his black dress socks off too while I had the chance and he told me to stop once again and got up. I quickly left the bounce room after that with his loafers and socks in my hand and he followed very angrily in his bare feet. Everyone at the party laughed at him and he made me give him his loafers and socks back.

  10. I noticed my fetish in middle school. I went to a private school and had to wear a uniform which required black shoes. I wore loafers and so did most of the other boys in my school and I loved seeing them all in loafers. A lot of them would slip their loafers off during class and I would immediately get hard. In 8th grade I had a teacher who wore loafers everyday and he would always slip them on and off in class. One day he was playing with them and let them slip completely off his feet. He then left his desk to write on the board and I decided to steal them since he was distracted. I quietly grabbed his hot loafers and slipped them into my back packpack. My classmates started laughing quietly and he turned around to notice his loafers were missing. He was very mad and wanted to know who took them but no one said anything. The bell then rang and everyone left. I noticed him having to wear just socks the rest of the day, it was so hot to see. I wore his loafers to class the next day but he didnt notice.

    Another time in 9th grade, I had a teacher who also wore loafers everyday. I satyed after school with him one day for extra help and it was just me and him in the classroom. He helped me for a little and then told me to try the work myself so i sat at a desk near his(I still had my uniform and loafers on). I overfeard him saying how he was tired and his feet hurt and I offered to give him a foot massage. I lied and said that I was really good at them and it runs in my family and he hesitated but said that he would just rest at home. I then told him it would be no problem and a way of showing my appreciation for him helping me after school and then walked over to his desk. I then sat at a chair on the side of him and he turned to me. He told me it was really nice to offer and I then smiled and grabbed his feet and brought them to my lap. I removed his nice loafers and he seemed relieved and shut his eyes for a few seconds. I took the opportunity to smeel his loafers and they smelled so good. i could tell his feet were sweaty and his socks were damp. I then started to massage his socked feet and he seemed to like it. After a few minutes I started to peel off his socks and I told him that the massage would feel better with no socks. He nodded and continues to enjoy it. After about 10 minutes he put his feet down and thanked me for the massage. He then finished helping me but stayed in his bare feet I was shocked. He then asked where I put his loafers and socks and I made an excuse that putting them on again will bring the pain back. I told him I had nice pair of sandals in my bag which would let his feet be free and not be in pain and he hesitated but I forced him into wearing the sandals instead. I then left with his loafers and socks before he could notice I still had them and he never saw them again.

  11. Thanks for continuing to share your stories! I find it interesting that many of the early experiences recalled above can be traced back to our fathers or to the classroom.

    And the creative ways we, as kids, came up with to get our targets out of their loafers is quite impressive. Offering a teacher a foot massage and taking his shoes? Stealing you dad's shoes and socks in the moonbounce? I guess it's just a testament to how powerful the allure of loafers and feet can be.

  12. My entry is the one for Aug 29. Enjoyed reading these. As a teacher of 35 years I am amazed at the young men that watched their teachers. I probably only had my shoes off in front of students 4 or 5 times.probably because I remembered how I watched teachers.I was never too turned on by my fathers feet. Having his shoes off was normal around the house. I remember getting turned on when he took his shoes off in public. The times I remember most were in my teen years. He moonlighted teaching people to cram for an exam for a securities liscence on weekends. He held these sessions in meeting rooms of a local hotel. Being on his feet 10 hours he often kicked off his shoes after a few hours while teaching the class. Most of the time he was on carpet and it felt good. One time he was in a room with a tile floor. As usual a couple of hours into the class he kicked off his penny loafers. He layer said his feet got flatter and flatter. When the session was over his feet were so swollen he could not get his loafers on. I remember him limping out of the room.Sockhawk. I can't get it to go on URL

  13. Loafers with the leather soles are my thing too. I also share similar experiences as many others here. My own experience was when i was growing up in the 1980's my older brother and dad used to wear loafers, both used to wear quality ones with proper leather soles not those cheapr plastic ones of the time. Anyway my dad used to like wearing low cut loafers with tassels (Bally types), he usually wore them with Pringle jumpers/sweatshirts and smart trousers and thick socks! He would walk everywhere in them and in the house it used to drive me wild to see him walking around on the carpet and to see the indent in the floor where his loafers had been.
    My brother also used to wear loafers - quite often without socks as he said he likes the feel of barefoot and he always said wearing socks was 'naff and uncool' -and this was i the 1980's! He used to wear either tassels or just plain, the former he would wear for special occassions and the latter he used to wear for high school - occassionally he would alternate them though. This also used to drive me crazy to see both of them walking around the house in their loafers on the carpet and listening to them click on the tiled floor and watching their footprints in the carpet.
    My brother used to bodybuild for a while so he also had big muscles and he always seemed to be getting into fights with other people, I saw one once and I remember he would hit (he had amean right punch)and kick people with his loafers on and even saw him stand on someones' face wearing loafers - oh wow!!
    And now I wear my loafers everywhere especially barefoot, my dad still has some of his loafers and I often wear them just to remind me of those good old days :)

    September 6, 2011 4:17 AM

  14. I loved seeing men playing with their shoes or taking them off especially in public. My dad always wore slip on loafers so he could slip them on and off easily and I loved when he played with his shoes in public. One time we went to go see a movie together and i noticed he had slipped his loafers off completely during the movie and had also fell asleep because the movie was not that interesting. I took advantage and kicks his loafers a couple of rows ahead. Towards the end of the movie he woke up and I noticed that he was moving his feet around looking for his loafers and then asked me if I had them. I shook my head and told him I had been watching the movie the whole time and he started looking on the floor. He didnt see them but just sat back and finished watching the movie. After everyone left he searched again and didnt see them so I told him I would help and I looked in the rows in front of us. I found them easily and smeeled them since my dad was still looking. They smelled so good and I decided to put a few pieces of popcorn that I found on the floor inside one of his loafers and then yelled to my dad that I found them. He thanked me just as people from the next movie started coming in. He put them on and heard a crunch in one of his loafers and had to take it off to get the popcorn out. I smiled and he then slipped his loafer back on and we left.

    Another time, My dad and I went to a flea market outside with a bunch of people. My dad and I were walking when my dad happened to step in gum that was on the ground (I got lucky) and he took off his loafer to see the gum stuck to the bottom. He then sat on a nearby bench and removed the gum with a stick for a few minutes and people walking by kept staring at him and I got turned on. Later I actually pretended to accidentally step on the back heel of one of his loafers while walking in the flea market and it caused his loafer to come right off his foot in front of everyone. I apologized and he then slipped his loafer back on.

    My father also took my neighbor's loafer off in public once. My neighbor's never really got along with my family and my dad could not stand them. One day my dad and neighbor were yelling at each other outside over yard boundries I think and I happened to be sitting on my porch close by. My neighbor also wore nice penny loafers and was so mad at my dad that he decided to try to kick my dad. My dad caught his foot though and yanked the penny loafer right off his foot and then started hitting my neighbor with his own loafer. I was shocked but also turned on and after a few hits my dad threw the loafer and it landed on the street. My neighbor then got up and knocked my dad down and they continued fighting. I noticed that one of my dads heels was slipping out of his loafers while on the ground and as they continued his loafer came right off his foot. my neighbor then grabbed my dad's other foot with his loafer still on and started twisting the foot. I then ran over to break them up and I tried to get my neighbor to let go of my dads foot but I was pushed aside so I decided to grab the foot of my neighbors that still had a loafer on. I quickly removed the loafer and chucked it into a bush and then peeled off his sock to tickle his foot. My neighbor started laughing right away and my dad then pulled his foot free but also right out of his other loafer that my neighbor was still holding. I then got up and broke them up and I got them to stop fighting. I then realized I was so turned on as I saw my dad in just his dress socks and my neighbor in one dress sock and bare foot. My dad then retrieved his loafers while my neighbor did the same and they went inside. They ended up making up the next day.

  15. Loaferman, thank you for taking the time to write about your early experiences with loafers. Yet another dad story...interesting.

  16. Sockhawk Good story about the movie loaferman. Don't see people take their shoes off much anymore at the movies. Traveled this weekend and was waiting for my bag. Noticed the handosome rental car agent in the booth by the baggage claim was working in his gray sock feet. Looked like his feet were killing him after a long day.Shoes were scooted under the counter. Couldn't tell what style. I think I was the only one aware he was shoeless. Took a long time waiting for my bag to see him flexing his toes and resting one foot on top of another. Spectacular. Walked around a lot behind the counter in socks. Anyone with similar sightings. Sockhawk

  17. I guess my story is a little different. I had no father, but things started when I got to sixth grade. This was the year that I finally moved to from boys to mens shoe size. Then, I started looking at the shoes of the men around me, trying to figure out what size they wore, and if I could wear their shoes. When I would visit, I would always find an excuse to sneak into the parents bedroom, so that I could try on the father's shoes. It was always easier to try on the loafers than the laceups, and thus my loafer fetish began. To this day, everytime I visit someone, I still sneak into their closet, and slip into their loafers, get really hard, and slip out before anybody catches me! The risk makes things that much more hot!


  18. I just found this blog and am psyched about it. My fetish began with moccasins and thick white socks. I remember I was about 8 or 9, taking judo class and there was an older looking blond kid who wore them. I got a pair of mocs that year for Christmas and couldn't wait to wear them out in public. Shortly there after my dad started wearing moccasins, but never with white socks. Still, when we'd wrestle before going to sleep, I'd always try to stick my hand in his moccasin to tickle his feet. I also remember sneaking into his closet to try them on. When I was a teenager, I used to stand in front of the mirror with my moccasin on my hard on all the time.

    The loafer thing started when I first saw episodes of Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley. The white socks and loafers were such a turn on. To this day, these are my preferred looks. I remember in the 80s when guys started wearing loafers and white socks again, especially those thick white boot socks. I was in heaven. I'm just waiting for that look to become popular again.

    1. So glad you found my blog. Welcome! And thank you for sharing some of your experiences. It would be great if you would create a name to sign your posts with so I can recognize they are from you. "ThickWhiteSocks" perhaps?

  19. Oh yeah, forgot about the moccasins at scout camp. There was one hot blond counsellor who would wear thick white wool socks over his green knee socks and tan moccasins. I had a major crush on him. Then there was the time I was in the infirmary and one of the counsellors who would keep me company had top-sider type mocs that he would prop up on my beg, wearing the ribbed knee socks.

    I used to go to shoe stores when I was in my early teens and try on moccasins and top-siders. I used to get hard-ons with the tan mocs, but never bought them. I wasn't embarrassed then, I thought I hid the hard on well, but probably not really! When I got to college, top siders were really popular, and I'd follow guys around who wore them with thick white socks.

  20. My fetish began when I was a young boy watching my father wear his black penny loafers everywhere. I always tried to find ways to touch them or smell them. When I was a teenager I would play wrestle with my dad and I tried to feel his loafers this way. One time we were wrestling and I managed to get to his legs so I grabbed his loafer and twisted his ankle. He tried to free his foot but I took the opportunity to pull his loafer right off and exposed his black dress sock and then I smelled the shoe and told him his loafer smelled horrible. I held my nose to make it more dramatic and he told me I was exaggerating so I took the loafer and held it to his nose in a playful way and told him to take a big whiff. He pushed it away and started laughing and we continued wrestling. He then jokingly said that my shoe probably smells worse and tried to go for my shoe. I happened to be wearing brown boat shoes with black socks and I managed to keep my feet away from him and pin him down. I then swiftly took his other foot and slipped the loafer off. I sniffed it again and threw it right away and told him it had a horrible stench. He struggled to overpower me but I was stronger and I had another idea. I looked at his two helpless black dress socked feet and in a teasing way said that I always wanted to see if he was ticklish. he started laughing again and told me not to dare but I had to now and I slowly peeled off one of his socks. I then went crazy tickling his exposed bare foot while telling him the stench was horrible. He laughed hysterically and demanded that I stop. I told him that I couldnt hear him and then did the same to his other foot. He continued laughing hysterically and told me he gave in and I eventually let him go and helped him up. He slipped on his socks and penny loafers again and told me not to tickle his feet again. That was one of my favorite times I got to touck my dad's loafers and feet

    1. It's interesting how so many of us can trace our loafer lust back to a memory or experience with our fathers or some authority figure (teacher, etc.). Thanks for sharing.

  21. My family likes to get together on memorial day weekend and one time we had a family kickball game among others at a cookout. Everyone was casually dressed and my dad wore his black penny loafers with dress socks like usual with jeans and a t shirt. I hoped to see my dad's loafer come off during the game and thats just what happened when he went up to kick. He kicked it and his loafer went flying. He ran the bases in one shoe and then I ran over to where his shoe landed to return it to him but not before sniffing the warm loafer.

  22. There are so many of us shoe/loafer lovers. Great to have this venue to share stories!

    Once again, thanks Todd!



  23. In 5th grade there was a kid who sat near me- he was dumb as a post, but very attractive, and also wore loafers with white socks. I hadn't gotten my first pair of loafers (that happened next year), but in exchange for letting him copy me, he would let me wear his loafers for the day.

    When I was in high school, a similar situation developed, but naturally I was much more sophisticated by then. This guy was on the football team, very good looking Italian guy, always wore a crew neck swetaer, jeans or chinos and gold toe fluffy socks with Bass Weejuns.

    He was also not too bright. I would agree to do various papers for him and let him copy me, in exchange for him acting out my various rather strange role playing scenarios. I especially liked to wrestle around with him under some pretext, slip off his shoes , and tickle his socked feet. Sometimes he would do it to me as well. We both got QUITE aroused, if you know what I mean! For a supposedly straight, and not too sophisticated guy, he was quite simpatico for all this! Those were the days.....

  24. I have been attracted to loafers since I was a 4th grader. I remember a nine year old boy in my class arriving the first day of school wearing brand new peeny loafers with his school uniform. I liked those shoes very much but what really made me be into them was when we got to the classroom and that boy sat in front of me. I could immediately notice that apart of his nice shoes he was also wearing a great pair of ribbed blue grey dress socks to match with and I was fascinated when he slipped his shoes off and started playing with them, then a bit later he just left his shoes lying on the floor and put his socked feet under the desk footrest. As far as I can remember, for the first time I wanted so badly such a pair of footwear that I couldnt resist stretching my legs out to draw up the shoes to me. I took my shoes off and put on his and enjoyed looking at my own feet in those loafers for a while until my mate next to me noticed and loudly told the boy in socks: "Hey, look, he's got your shoes". He quickly turned to me and then down and muttered. "Leave off! Give me my shoes back!", so I kicked the shoes off and passed them on to him under the desk but I was absolutely mesmerized. That very day I asked my parents for a pair of loafers and after insisting so much I got them a couple of days later. Ever since, loafers are my favourite kind of shoes. Steve

    1. Thank you for sharing your comments, Steve. It's interesting how so many of us can trace our loaferlust back to our childhood!

  25. i still get hard when i think about my first loafer memories...i went to a new high school and when i met my new class, i noticed THE MOST BEAUTIFUL guy i've ever seen. believe me or not- he was sooo muscled,tall and blond (classical case- long hair and blue eyes). his parents were rich, he played football and was a real dream....and he had the biggest collection of loafers and moccasins i've seen...he was wearing them barefoot and nearly every day had a new pair...but, yeah, he was one of them cool kids, so i never really had the courage to talk with him...

  26. From an early age I remember this. I began to feel something pleasurable to see loafers in men, especially if they were mature. They were my first masturbation associated with it, and once I thought it was a fad ...
    Since then commercial, magazines, movies, photos, and this wonder called the Internet have allowed me to spend memorable moments, but the best has been achieved to flatter the loafers to a gentleman; I have much to tell but I have no time for it. The most recent was waiting an hour to pass a taxi driver on a street near my job to go with him, he always uses loafers, and I had the opportunity to praise his shoes even if I did not see very well because it was dark. ..! More than once, some men look at me strangely by the observation that I make your loafers and if I ask them to show me his collection…
    I also like cowboy boots and booties, but loafers are my first choice. And although very sexy models with rubber soles are the dress that I'm passionate about. I like when the heeling gentleman that is very sexy, and have very bright, exotic exact model and color, finish or shape excite me more ....
    The classics are my favorites, but there's Sebago burgundy overcoats are slow death. Once remember a physical education teacher who took a cream color with black. Wow!Glad to not be the only fetish here, it's more that I know there are many many years ...I have only black loafers seamless my uncle who died a while now but I've enjoyed them immensely. I've also hidden the loafers made of a mature cousin.
    Well, loafererotica, I appreciate that you have given me this bit of your blog.A hug from Venezuela!

  27. Wow love your stories. I myself have had a huge loafer and thin nylon sock fetish for years since around age 8. My father wore loafers and very thin nylon socks (back then they made very thin socks in multiple colors) he did not leave home with the nylon socks on. He would get in the car and slip his loafers off or would carry them to the car and drove in those hot very thin socks and would work the shit out of the gas pedal and drive fast, when we visited people and would not have clean socks he would wear the dirty ones and they would smell. I ask him why he did this and he told me it was stimulating and very arousing and I would understand when I got older. So when I was around 10 he started buying me those same socks and colors an he would have me wear the same color he was an he would take me riding and would have me take off my loafers and he would let me work the gas pedal and he would put his socked feet over mine and we worked it together and I would put my socked feet on top of his. I did not understand why my dick would get hard doing this and ask him later on why and he explained to me why and how to take care of the hard on. When I got around the age of 14-15 we still did this and I would wear his dirty socks. Then when I got my license and got a car continued doing this and found a friend or 2 also into this. Found this guy in college my dorm mate that was into this but wore sheers and folks that is when I fell in love with them also, but besides loving to drive in them he lived servicing socked feet and dirty socks or clean he would do my feet daily or more often and did it while I slept and I would have wet dreams but they where not wet dreams but actual events and the wet part was due to him sucking off and servicing my feet and to this day love all types of ultra thin nylon socks and loafers and guys who also wear them.

  28. Love Bass Weejuns and white socks.Weejun sex turns me on

    1. I wear black skinny jeans, black penny loafers and white sport socks almost everyday, its my favorite look to wear and sexy too.
