Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Beginning of Loaferotica

My passion for loafers goes back thirty years or so, but it wasn't until 2007 that I began to document it.  That was the year I started capturing my first loafer shots. I don't recall what prompted me, or if it was planned, but somehow I just happened to have my camera with me while out on my lunch hour.  I spotted a tall, distinguished gentleman in a charcoal pinstriped suit and, though he didn't know it, his loafers made me an offer I couldn't refuse.

He was at the corner chatting with an associate of his so he was distracted and didn't notice while I removed the camera from my pocket and turned it on.  My heart started racing as I quickly assessed where to position myself and how to get the shot without drawing attention to myself.  With my subject in the digital display, I snapped the photo and quickly walked away so I could review it.

Here is the result:

My very first loafter shot! (taken 4/4/2007)

What a thrill! I was so pleased with the result (and how relatively easy it was to do) that I knew I'd have to try it again.  From that point on I started going on lunchtime safaris, camera in tow, seeking out subjects to add to my collection.

Here are some more early shots:

Wanna see pics of who's wearing these loafers?  Sorry. I was much too timid back then to attempt it back then!  I'm very happy that is no longer the case.

Have you ever thought about taking photos of loafers you've while out in public?  Have you ever done it?


  1. The burgundy loafers/green socks photo was the first one I saw on Flickr from you. LOVE it!

  2. Thanks Socks! I'm flattered that you remember that.

  3. Fantastic loafer pics

  4. Everytime I see a man with hot loafers I do the best to capture a good photo from his loafers, but I don't have my digital camera in my pocket for high resolution pics, only my mobile phone and the quality is "hmmmm" its good but not THAT good!

    Unfortunately in my city (or in general here in Germany) there aren't many men wearing hot loafers. Only a few...

  5. I take discreet shots of men in loafers any time I'm able to. I too use my camera's phone pretending I'm texting. I also like to shoot video clips of my subjects.

    I'm on the fence whether or not to post them online. For now, the pics and vids I've taken are for my pleasure only; that could change if I decide to share.
