Sunday, September 4, 2011

About Your Comments...

I am thrilled that you are reading my blog and I really appreciate your comments and feedback!

I have a small favor to ask...

If you choose to post a comment, please avoid choosing the "Anonymous" option.  Instead, I would prefer it if you choose the "Name/URL" option and make up a name.  Or, if the "Name/URL" option doesn't work for you, you can sign your "name" at the end of your comment.

Why? Because if I see several comments under one post from "Anonymous", it's difficult for me to tell whether or not they are from the same or a different person and makes it harder for me to respond.

 You don't have to use your real name - a pseudonym is fine - and if you could use the same name for all of your comments, that would be great.  You can still remain anonymous, but giving yourself a "Name" (even if it's a made up one)  makes it easier for me (and others) to respond to your comments in a more personal way.

Thank you for your support.  I look forward to hearing from you!


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